Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Garmin Two-Way Radio RINO gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 132
118 Rino
520/530 Owner’s Manual
on Road 30
LORAN TD Format 81
Main Display Pages 4
Main Menu Page 42
MapSource 1, 24, 60, 85
Setup 94
Map Data 31, 60, 103
Map Detail 30
Map Page
Options 26
Pan Map 26
Restore Defaults 26
Setup Map 26, 28, 29
Map Pointer 27
Mark Waypoint 48
Measure Distance 26, 31
Message Tone 16
Microphone 15
Monitor Channels 12
My ID 8
Name 8
Navigate 33, 73
Navigation Page 32
Options 34
Restore Defaults 34
New Contact 20
New Location 45, 46
NMEA 0183 111
North Heading 30
North Up 30, 45, 46
Operating the Rino 5
Options Menu 5
Orientation 30
Pan Map 26, 27
Pan Plot 40
PC 103, 111
PC Interface Cable 103
Peer-to-Peer 14, 20
PIT 15
Points of Interest 58, 59, 103
Pressure 39
Changes 37
Plot 38, 39
View Plot 39
Programming the Data Fields
Project Waypoint 35, 53, 59
Proximity Waypoints 87
Radio 17
Radio Page 7
Status Window 18
Weather Radio 17
Re-Sight 35
Recently Found Places 62
Restore Defaults 26, 38, 47
Reverse Route 69
Review Route 70
Ring Tone 16
Roger Tone 16
Routes 68
Copy 70
Create 68
Delete 70
Edit 69
Navigate 73
Remove waypoints 69
Restore defaults 70
Reverse 69
Review 70
Satellite Page 43
Scanlist 12, 13, 16
Scan Channels 12, 99
Scan Codes 12
Scramble 14, 99
Sending a Location 23
Map 26, 28, 29
Scanlist 16
TD field 81
Tones 16
Shortcut Menu 5, 48
Show Data Fields 34
Sight ‘N Go 34, 35
Signal Strength 43
Sky View 43
Specifications 94
Squelch codes 10, 98
Status Bar Overview 6
Status Indicators 19
Stopwatch 92
Stop Navigation 26, 34
Sun & Moon 53, 59, 93