
Out of 1 Ratings

Owner's of the Garmin GPS Receiver Forerunner gave it a score of 1.0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    1.0 out of 5
  • Durability

    1.0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    1.0 out of 5
  • Performance

    1.0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    1.0 out of 5
of 52
Allow the Forerunner time to track satellites and determine your position the first time you
use it. Upon startup, the GPS signal bar appears. As the Forerunner 101 locates more satellites
and the signal strength increases, the bar moves to the right. The window disappears after the
Forerunner 101 has a satellite lock. It is recommended not to start your workout
until the Forerunner has a satellite lock and knows your location.
To turn on the Forerunner 101:
1. Press and hold the POWER button until the Welcome Page is displayed, then
2. After the Welcome Page disappears, the Timer Mode is displayed with the GPS Signal Bar.
The satellite dish icon on the left side of the screen flashes while the Forerunner determines
your location.
3. Leave the Forerunner with a clear view of the sky for 15-30 minutes initially. If the Forerun
ner does not detect any satellites, a message appears asking if you are indoors. Selecting
‘Yes’ shuts off the GPS to conserve battery life for indoor practice. Selecting ‘No’ prompts
another question asking if the unit has been moved hundreds of miles. Choose ‘Yes’ to have
the unit Autolocate the satellite signals (Also use this option if you are having problems
receiving satellites the first time you use the Forerunner.) The word “Locating..” appears in
the signal bar area when in Autolocate mode. After the first use, it should only take less than
a couple minutes to acquire satellites.
4. When the Forerunner acquires enough satellite signals to determine your location, the satel
lite dish icon on the left side of the screen stops flashing and the GPS Signal Bar disappears.
Turning on your
GPS Satellite
Welcome Screen
Getting Started
Autolocate Mode
GPS Signal Bar