Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Garmin Headphones GPSMAP gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 72
62 GPSMAP 400/500 Series Owner’s Manual
ID number 6
keel offset 42
keypad 5
Lane Width 15, 17
Language 38
Man Overboard 24, 51
map datum 38
MapSource data 33
mariner’s eye 3D
colors 17
mark current location 24
MENU key 5
messages 55
move a waypoint 24
My Boat 42
Navaid Type 14
Navigate To 11, 23, 25, 26, 52
Navigation Alarms 40
navigation charts 8
navigation preferences 38
New Waypoint 15
NMEA 0183 Setup 39
NMEA 2000 Setup 40
NMEA High Speed 39
NMEA Standard 39
grid 38
magnetic 38
true 38
north up 13
No Zoom 48
customizing 30
overlay numbers 10
viewing 30
object information
accessing 12
odometer 31
Other Vessels 43
Pause Sonar 47
Perspective 3D 15
photos 12
physical specications 54
Points of Interest (POI) 14, 21, 28
Position Format 38
position tracking 51
Posn. Precision 39
Power/Backlight key 5
power source 55
product registration iv
quick links i
radio 49
Range (sonar) 47
Range keys 5
Range Rings 15, 17
registering your product iv
restoring factory settings 6
Rocker key 5
Roses 12
creating 25
deleting 26
editing 26
labels 38
viewing 33
route to 22
safe-zone settings 43
Safe Depth 17, 38
Safe Height 39
Safety Shading 14
satellite imagery
enabling 19
Save To Card 34, 35, 37
screenshots 58
scroll speed 46
SD cards
inserting 6
removing 6
SELECT key 5
Serial Port setup 39
Service Points 12
alarms 40
chart 12
communications 39
sh eye 3D 17
initializing 3
language 38
navigation preferences 38
system 37
units of measure 37
Shoreline Distance 39
simulator 37
mode 6
Skyview 37
software license agreement 60
software version 37