Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Garmin GPS Receiver GPSMAP gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 109
Satellite Sky View 20
Signal Strength Bars 2,20
Simulator Mode 4
Simulator Tour 4-19
Sounder Page 7-9,25-35
Chart Speed 30
Fish Id 32
Keel Offset 33
Map/Sounder Split Screen 29,43
Noise Rejection 33
Range Modes 25,30
Auto 25-26
Manual 25-26
Window 25,31
Sensitivity 30,93
Sounder Setup 32-35
Speed Calibration 33-35
Thermocline 7,25,94
Transducer vii,7,25,84
Underwater Waypoint 7-8,28-29
Water Type 33
Whiteline 7,25,30,94
Zoom Function 9,27-28
Zoom Window Movement 28
Status Bar 3
Status Page 20-22
Steering Guidance 16,45-47
Sunrise/Sunset Calculation 73
Table of Contents vii
Time Offsets 73-74,95
Timer/Alarm Setup 77
Tone Selection 74
TracBack Function 60-61
Track Log 70
Track Memory 70
Track Plot Resolution 70
Track Recording 70
Trip Odometer 23-24
Turn (TRN) 31,47,94
Units of Measure 75
UTC time 74,95
UTM/UPS Coordinates 95
Velocity Filter 76
Velocity Made Good (VMG) 31,47,94
Waypoints 49-57
Active Waypoints 68
Creating 49-52
Deleting 54
Editing By Text 53
Editing Graphically 54
Modifying 53-55
Moving Route Waypoints 63
Nearest Waypoints 55
Proximity Waypoints 56
Reference Waypoints 52
Removing Route Waypoints 65
Renaming 54
Reviewing 53
Submenus 55
Underwater Waypoints 7-8,28-29
Waypoint List 57
Wiring Installation 96
GPS 135 Rev C 8/4/98 4:20 PM Page 98