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Owner's of the Garmin Fish Finder FISHFINDER gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
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of 8
2 Fishnder 300C Installation Instructions
Use the following table to determine the drill bit size:
Material Material Thickness (in.) Material Thickness (mm) Hole Size (in.) Hole Size (mm) Hole Size (Drill Number)
Aluminum alloy
sheet metal
from1/32to5/64 from0.76to2.03
.128 3.25 30
from3/32to3/8 from2.28to9.52
.147 3.73 26
.140 3.56 28
.125 3.17 1/8
.144 3.66 27
Drill Size Table
To mount the bracket assembly:
1. Usingthebaseofthebracketasatemplate,markthelocationofthethreeholes(twoscrewstowardsthefront,onescrewtowardsthe
2. Usingthecenterpunch,indentthecenterofeachofthethreemounting-holelocations.
3. Drillthemountingholes,usingthebitsizeindicatedintheDrillSizeTableabove.
4. Securethebasewiththethreeincludedscrews.
To install the Fishnder 300C on the mounting bracket:
1. AligntheslotonthebackoftheFishnder300Cwiththemountingknob,andslidetheshnderintoplace.If
2. AdjusttheFishnder300Cangleandtightentheknobuntilsnug.
Flush Mounting the Fishnder 300C
In addition to four of the included number 8 ANSI (4.2 × 1.4 DIN7981) mounting screws, ush mounting the Fishnder
300C requires the following tools:
Phillips-head screwdriver
Drill and drill bit (refer to Drill Size Table above for drill size) for mounting holes
3/8" (10 mm) drill bit for pilot hole
Center punch and hammer
File and sandpaper
Anti-seize lubricant (optional)
NOTE: Ensure that the surface on which you mount the Fishnder 300C has sufcient open space behind it to accommodate the Fishnder 300C and
the connected wires.
To ush mount the Fishnder 300C:
1. Theush-mounttemplateisincludedintheproductbox.Trimthetemplateandensureitwilltinthelocationwhereyouwanttoushmount
2. Theush-mounttemplatehasadhesiveontheback.Removetheprotectivelinerandapplythetemplatetothelocationatwhichyouwantto
3. Usingthecenterpunch,indentthecenterofeachofthefourmounting-holelocations.
4. UsingadrillbitasspeciedbytheDrillSizeTable,drillthefourmountingholes.
5. Usinga3/8"(9mmor10mm)drillbit,drillapilotholeinsidethecornerofthetemplatetobegincuttingthemountingsurface.
6. Usingthejigsaw,cutthemountingsurfacealongtheinsideofthesolidlineindicatedontheush-mounttemplate.Usealeandsandpaper
7. ApplytheadhesivesideofthegaskettothebackoftheFishnder300C.